I watched the movie HANCOCK yesterday at Macau Tower.
Macau Tower is the worlds highest bungee jumping site in the world and I jumped off it a couple of months ago (check out my video in the Pick'n'Play section, more on the jump experience later). They have a pretty decent movie theatre, and the ticket prices are very reasonable compared to India; Only about 40 MOP or 200 Rs.
Anyway, the movie was pretty much OK. I have been a big time fan of Will Smith ever since I watched him in "Independence Day", "I Robot" and "In Pursuit of Happiness". However, this movie is not as good as his previous blockbusters. I would rate it the same as "I am a Legend".
I have a major issue with the story line. The movie started quite well but the story seemed to fizzle after some time, like a shaken bottle of coke, as though the director forgot about the actual story and went into coma. The twists in the story (seemed more like gaping holes to me actually) are also weak and do not, by any stretch of my imagination, make the movie goer stop sleeping and sit up in his / her seat. The action scenes are good but some how are neither visually striking nor lengthy enough to make them memorable. In all, the movie is as much lacking in sugar as is a black coffee drunk by a diabetic and as much lacking in salt as is an ice cream.
On the whole, it is a movie you can watch one time and forget about once you exit the movie hall. Definitely not Will Smith's greatest !!!!
Overall: 6/10 , Story: 6/10, Screen Play:6 , Technical Excellence:6/10, Watchability: 6/10
I am eagerly expecting "Mummy - Part 3". I may write a movie review on "Hulk - 2" later.
Catcha all later !!!
the movie is mazing saw it and was really happy that it did live up to my expectations and i wanna go and grab the dvd as its out nw as ap part of ma collection ..
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